English Syllabus Solve For Rajendrian 2k22 - Roise Uddin

English Syllabus Solve For Rajendrian 2k22

এতগুলা লেটার আর প্যারাগ্রাফ তো হাতে লিখে নোট করা অনেক টাইম এর ব্যাপার আর ধৈর্যের ব্যাপার তাই তুমি চাইলে যেকোন কম্পিউটারের দোকানে গিয়ে গুগোল এ ঢুকে Roise Uddin লিখে সার্চ দিলে ওয়েবসাইট বাটন আসবে সেখানে ক্লিক করে ওয়েবসাইটে ঢুকে এই পেজে এসে এখান থেকে কপি করে প্রিন্ট আউট করে নিতে পারবে অথবা সরাসরি https://mdroise.blogspot.com এই লিংকে ঢুকে কম্পিউটার থেকে প্রিন্ট আউট করে নিতে পারবে।

Formal Letter

Subject: Prayer for providing internet connection in the college library.
Dear Sir,
We have the honour to draw your kind attention to the fact that there is no internet connection in our college library. In spite of having computers, we are lagging behind in the race of technological development for want of internet connection on them. We all know that internet communication is now the fastest communication through which students can get connected with the great libraries of the world. Really it is unfortunate that due to the lack of internet connection in our college library, we are becoming deprived of the access to the vast world of information and knowledge. In the meantime, we have contacted to our computer teacher Mr. Sultan Mahmud and he has kindly given his consent to help us in this regard.
We, therefore, pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to take necessary steps to provide internet facilities in our college library and give us a chance to keep pace with the modern world.
Yours sincerely -

Subject: Application for setting up a canteen in the school campus.

I, on behalf of the students of class ten of your school, have to honor to state that ours in one of the most famous schools in the city. But it is a matter of great regret that there is no canteen in our school campus. We acutely feel the need of a canteen. Our classes start at 10 a.m. And break up at 4 p.m. There is a thirty minutes break at lunch time. However, most of the students cannot go home for lunch because they live far away. They have to take their lunch at roadside hotels and restaurants. But most of these are unhygienic and harmful to our health. Moreover, a school canteen may provide low-priced hygienically prepared food.

In the light of the above circumstances, we would fervently request you to set up a canteen in the school campus and oblige us thereby.

Sincerely yours,

Subject: Prayer for arranging some extra classes on English.
Dear Sir,
We have the honour to state that we are going to sit for the HSC examinations this year. We have only about six months' time in hand until the commencement of the examination. We are going on well with other subjects but most of us did worse in English in the previous college tests. Besides, scheduled classes are not sufficient for those of us who are weak in English. It would be a great help for us if you arrange some extra classes on English to remove our weakness in this particular subject. We believe that our strength in English will lead us to good results.
We, therefore, pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to realize our problem and take necessary steps immediately for the arrangement of extra classes on English for the laggards.
Yours sincerely -

Subject: Application for the prohibition of the cell phone in the classroom and in the examination hall.

Dear sir
With due respect, I would like to inform you that the students, as well as the teachers, very often use their cell phone in the classroom and even in the examination hall. It literally disturbs the smooth learning environment to a great extent. The use of cell phone in the classroom and in the examination hall must be stopped.

Yours sincerely,

Subject: Application for setting up an English debating club.

Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that we, the students of your college, are keenly interested to set up an English debating club in our college. It can give us an opportunity to expose our latent talent. Moreover, a debating club can prepare us to take part in different debating contests like National TV Debating Competition. That is why, we need to organize an English debating club in our college. Our English teacher, Mr Arif Ahmed, has kindly consented to guide us.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take immediate steps to organize an English debating club in our college and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours,

Subject: Prayer for arranging some extra classes on English.
Dear Sir,
We have the honour to state that we are going to sit for the HSC examinations this year. We have only about six months' time in hand until the commencement of the examination. We are going on well with other subjects but most of us did worse in English in the previous college tests. Besides, scheduled classes are not sufficient for those of us who are weak in English. It would be a great help for us if you arrange some extra classes on English to remove our weakness in this particular subject. We believe that our strength in English will lead us to good results.
We, therefore, pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to realize our problem and take necessary steps immediately for the arrangement of extra classes on English for the laggards.
Yours sincerely -

Subject: Application to change section.
I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of section Ka of class ten and my roll no is 10. I want to change my section from Ka to Kha because two friends of mine are in section Kha. We live in the same place and one of them is my next door neighbor. We come to school and go home together after school everyday. I am a poor student and cannot afford to buy a few of my text books. If I am allowed this change of section, this will help me a lot. I can borrow these books for my friend or work with the books in the class. That way, I am sure, I can do better in my class work and exams.
I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly grant my prayer and thus oblige thereby.
Your most obediently pupil -


1.Private University and Public University

Now a days we get education from two streams, one is public, and the other is private. The public universities are open to all. But one has to face tough competition for a sent. On the other hand is less difficult to get a scat in a private university. The private universities are meant for the moneyed persons as they have to play a lot. The public universities are cheaper in terms of tuition fees. Since this is the age of privatization, the private universities are becoming popular day by day. Public universities, on the other hand, have to face a number of problems Students politics plays a vital role in deteriorating the academic environment in the public universities As a result, students have to face session jum So, the conscious and the able persons are easily impressed by the private institutions A public university is run a large scale. The government of a poor country cannot afford to manage everything. So in order to get some extra facilities, the maneyed students are easily impressed by the alluring advertisements of the private universities However, the private sectors are not still properly developed and they have not been able Sato come out of limitation. The twn streams should be developed in a balanced way, and the main function should be only for knowledge and education other than commerce. In fact, the two sectors are playing important role to make the nation highly educated

2.A Nuclear Family And An Extended family

A nuclear family consists of a husband and wife and their children. As such, it is a small family On the other hand, an extended family cortists of parents, their children, aunts, uncles, grandparents, all living in the same household. So, an extended family is a large family In a nuclear family the number of the members being small, peace, prevails. In such a family it is comparatively easy to meet the demands or basic needs of the members. The member of this type of family can enjoy a happy and a beautiful life Children in this family get the opportunity of being propetly ediscated. But the member of this type of family often suffers loneliness especially if both the husband and the wife are gmployees. Se they often feel unhappy, on the other hand, in an extended family do not suffer from loneliness If an extended family members family is well- off, the members can lead a better life. Being bound to live in cities in search of income, people have become detached from their parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousims. They five m cities with their wives and children only. But in reality, the children in a nuclear family feel lonely. They cannot share their feelings with others. Their parents remain busy most of the time. So, they become inentally upset I don't support a nuclear family, because in it, family members become self-centered in most cases

Covid-19 is a deadly virus and the entire world is facing its dominance. It has reached more than 200 countries around the world. It all began in December 2019, more specifically 31st of the month. China was the first country to experiencing this new disease. A case of 27 people was reported by China’s disease control center on December 31st.

All of these 27 people had the same respiratory problems. It has also said in the report that these people had a connection with seafood which was bought from the market of Hunan. Researchers had found a match of this unknown disease’s genetic sequence in the database. It was in the family of coronavirus. Later, it was named Covid-19. This name stands for coronavirus disease 2019. After that, Covid-19 became a global health crisis. On 11 March 2019 WHO (world health organization) had declared the outbreak of Covid-19 as a pandemic. Further research has shown that it can cause disease in animals like mammals and birds. This virus can spread through droplets of a sneeze or exhales from an infected person. Symptoms for this disease are cough, fever, headaches, loss of smell, and loss of test. WHO gave some rules and regulations for protecting people from viral infection. Wearing face masks, washing hands frequently, and social distancing are these protocols. In the earlier phase lockdown was given by the government of the countries around the world. Several institutes and companies around the globe worked hard for vaccines. But finally, vaccines are available.

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4.Dengue Fever
Dengue Fever is a viral disease which is caused by the Dengue Fever virus and it is transmitted through mosquito bites. Mainly, Aedes mosquitoes are responsible for the transmission of this virus which can easily spread from people to mosquitos and from mosquitos to people. Once a person is affected by this virus, uninfected mosquitos can be infected while feeding on the blood of an infected person. After that, the mosquitos will transmit this virus to a different person and they will also get infected by the virus. After getting infected by the virus, it takes some time to show the symptoms. These symptoms can take 4-12 days to appear. In the meanwhile, the infected person will have high fever along with some other symptoms. These symptoms include severe headache, pain behind the eyes, Nausea, Vomiting, Muscle and joint pains, rash, etc. Once someone is infected by the Dengue virus and starts to show symptoms of Dengue Fever, immediate actions should be taken otherwise it can cause severe fever which is known as severe Dengue Fever and it can even cause death. To prevent being infected by the Dengue Fever virus, we all should take precautions beforehand. First of all, our environment should be kept clean so that it doesn’t become the habitat of mosquitos. Aedes mosquitos generally reproduce in clean water so we have to be careful about water storage places. In order to eradicate the reproduction of Aedes mosquitos, there should be no such place containing clean water for more than three days. Other than that, a regular street cleaning including removing the discarded water-bearing container and cleaning drainage on is very significant. City Corporation should play a vital role in cleaning the city areas to keep its inhabitants safe from the infection of the Dengue virus. If someone gets infected by the Dengue Fever virus, they should immediately consult with the doctor and take proper treatment otherwise it can cause death. It is also good practice to use mosquito net all the time to prevent the Dengue Fever virus. As Dengue Fever can be a severe problem especially in this season, the government should take necessary steps beforehand to fight Dengue Fever infection from spreading. Otherwise, the death toll can rise high which will be troublesome for our country. With proper steps, we can save people from being infected by Dengue Fever and decrease the death rate. It should never be taken lightly.

5.Rohingya Reparations

6.Role Of Internet During Corona Period

7. School Life & College Life

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  • My blog 1
    My blog 1 September 7, 2022 at 8:36 AM

    Too good

  • Math-knots
    Math-knots September 9, 2022 at 5:18 PM

    This content is very nice and have a good information.

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