English Paragraph for your Final examination-roise uddin

English Paragraph For Your Final Exam

নিচের দেওয়া প্যারাগ্রাফ গুলি ফরিদপুর সারদা সুন্দরি কলেজ এর ফাইনাল এক্সাম এ দিয়েছে।

1.Private University and Public University

Now a days we get education from two streams, one is public, and the other is private. The public universities are open to all. But one has to face tough competition for a sent. On the other hand is less difficult to get a scat in a private university. The private universities are meant for the moneyed persons as they have to play a lot. The public universities are cheaper in terms of tuition fees. Since this is the age of privatization, the private universities are becoming popular day by day. Public universities, on the other hand, have to face a number of problems Students politics plays a vital role in deteriorating the academic environment in the public universities As a result, students have to face session jum So, the conscious and the able persons are easily impressed by the private institutions A public university is run a large scale. The government of a poor country cannot afford to manage everything. So in order to get some extra facilities, the maneyed students are easily impressed by the alluring advertisements of the private universities However, the private sectors are not still properly developed and they have not been able Sato come out of limitation. The twn streams should be developed in a balanced way, and the main function should be only for knowledge and education other than commerce. In fact, the two sectors are playing important role to make the nation highly educated

2.A Nuclear Family And An Extended family

A nuclear family consists of a husband and wife and their children. As such, it is a small family On the other hand, an extended family cortists of parents, their children, aunts, uncles, grandparents, all living in the same household. So, an extended family is a large family In a nuclear family the number of the members being small, peace, prevails. In such a family it is comparatively easy to meet the demands or basic needs of the members. The member of this type of family can enjoy a happy and a beautiful life Children in this family get the opportunity of being propetly ediscated. But the member of this type of family often suffers loneliness especially if both the husband and the wife are gmployees. Se they often feel unhappy, on the other hand, in an extended family do not suffer from loneliness If an extended family members family is well- off, the members can lead a better life. Being bound to live in cities in search of income, people have become detached from their parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousims. They five m cities with their wives and children only. But in reality, the children in a nuclear family feel lonely. They cannot share their feelings with others. Their parents remain busy most of the time. So, they become inentally upset I don't support a nuclear family, because in it, family members become self-centered in most cases

3. Dowry system

4.Urban life and Rural life

The quote "God made the country and man made the town' makes us clear about village life and city life. The village life is comfortable in respect of weather pattern and availability of healthy food items. The city is a bit different from village life. Cities have flourished but the importance of country life has not decreased The development of the society depends both on the development of the cities and villages. If the cities produce something, the villages supply them with the raw materials. In the cities, life is very busy and competitive and people live in polluted environment. On the other hand, in the villages environment is very fresh and hygienic Modern facilities are available in the cities whereas most of the villages are berelt of modern facilities Still, for good medical facilities and higher degrees, people need to go to the cities. In the cities people lead a very artificul life in big buildings. But in the villages, one can lead a simple life in the lap of nature p Despite some merits and demerits, both lives have their charms, which depend on the individual interests. A balanced development can remove the gaps between two types of life largely

5.Water Pollution

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